
The individual components of the URL Manager Pro release are available from the FTP server:


Also available for download:

* Internet Config, freeware, is also needed to change the default configuration of URL Manager. On Mac OS 8.5 and higher you can use the Internet Control Panel.
* Drag and Drop extension from Apple Computer. (System 7.1 users).
* Kagi Register Application, (70K).

MacWorld Expo

* Guy Kawasaki and Alco Blom (MacWorld Expo 1996).
* Steve Jobs and Alco Blom (MacWorld Expo 1999).

URL Manager Pro featured in Guy's keynote in Boston, 1996. Also, URL Manager Pro was demonstrated in the Developer's Greenhouse at the exhibition center. Please have a look at the photos.

* Advertising Banner
* Amsterdam Tourist Tour (Pictures from Amsterdam).

URL Manager Pro also shows shared menus in Ircle:

IRCLE Ircle, the most popular shareware IRC program for the Mac OS.


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URL Manager Pro in MacWEEK.

* Bookmark managers revised, October 1997
* URL Manager Pro aims to tame bookmarks
* Better Navigator bookmarks
* News: Utilities beat

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